
Translation services

Fast and accurate translation

prijevodeWe love translations. We really think that it helps people to understand each other and sweeps away borders. That is why we do not use tools to translate, we do it manually and I think it improves the quality of translations.

As I am a Court interpreter I can verify my translations for state authorities if necessary.

The price for the translations is measured by pages or hours of work. We can always find some discount for big quantities.

Types of translation

Written translations: from Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, English of books, articles, studies, business correspondence, internet pages, booklets etc.

Oral translations: during meeting, business negotiations, conferences. We have experience in simultaneous translations during conferences as well.

Authorized translations: of documents from and to Russian.


Naravno da cijene mnogo ovise o količini i rokovima, kao i u sadržaju teksta. Cijene mogu biti fleksibilne prema dogovoru. Ovdje dajemo samo okvirne cijene.

Morate imati na umu da nijedan naš prijevod nije radio stroj ili program. Garantiramo visoku kvalitetu prijevoda, točnost, stručnu terminologiju te stilistiku maksimalno približenu originalu.

Kada je riječ o simultanom prevođenju za višu kvalitetu rada potrebni su materijali i terminologija teme konferencije.

* Kartica je 1500 znakova s razmakom

Prices may be higher for professional translations.

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